As the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States, CRS is governed by a board of directors comprising clergy, most of them bishops elected by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as religious and Catholic lay men and women. Once founder Ohden answered God's call to a vocation serving survivors, she began finding them all around the world. So, the hospitals, clinics and medications would still reach people, the only difference is that the providers would be entities other than CRS. For the last two weeks, weve been releasing segments of a 100-page report that is the result of a year long investigation of Catholic Relief Services programs in Africa. CRS has responded that "We are puzzled by quotes [from CRS employees] saying . The document says: The KIDSS menu of services includes: early childhood development, household economic strengthening, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education and risk avoidance, post gender-based violence (GBV) care package, educational support (school block grants and scholarships), nutritional assessment including counseling and referrals for nutrition supplementation, linkage to ART and retention support, and age-appropriate adherence counseling and psychosocial support. 10. Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. on: function(evt, cb) { If you are considering abortion over adoption, here is a brief comparison of the two: Cost. Although some positions and practices of these institutions are not always consistent with the full range of Catholic teaching, CRS' work with these institutions always focuses only on activities that are fully consistent with Catholic teachings. After indicating that CRSs project is referring adolescent girls to RENATA, USAID then says: RENATA provides comprehensive SRH services (including condoms), GBV prevention and a comprehensive post-GBV care package. (emphasis added), On 22 May 2018 a PEPFAR solutions template was submitted by Maury Mendenhall of USAID. A former Chief of Party for CRS is discovered to be promoting Planned Parenthood on social media. This revelation comes from the Lepanto Institute, a small Catholic fact-finding mission. In the first place, Dr. Mark Seitz of El Paso is the first bishop from a state along the Mexico border to head the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' migration committee in at least 20 years. Currently the state has a ban on abortion after 22 weeks into a . Does it mean that the Church should not employ anyone who is in a gay marriage? The beginning of the document asks what the problem was, so Mendenhall explained that most female sex workers were not tested for HIV prior to childbirth, which means that a large number of children could be infected and un-diagnosed. In section II.4.4, MERENSO provides specific details on its condom distributing activities: But that was 2009. Many Gifts One Nation. According to InterAction's " Benefits " page, members enjoy certain perks by being a dues-paying member of InterAction. Resources. Do you remember how, in our last video, we mentioned that CRS had removed a bunch of documents from the OVCSupport website, and then reinstated most of them? What has been done in response? Characterizing the just criticisms of concerned Catholics as attacks, Dr. Dr. Sok Pun represented CRS on theSteering Committee of MEDiCAM in 2011. Clearly, CRS is not ignorant of the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health services in the KIDSS project. Annual CRS Rice Bowl contributions help to feed hungry families, bring water to the thirsty, and empower the vulnerable. In May of 2018, RENATA placed a job announcement for three volunteer positions for the KIDSS project on behalf of CRS. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. The Lepanto Institute is committed to continuing these investigations until such time as CRS is finally brought into compliance with the Motu Proprio,On the Service of Charity, issued by Pope Benedict XVI. . According to LifeSiteNews, as the U.S. Bishops' development agency [Catholic Relief Services] was taking heat last summer for handing out over $5 million to the abortion- supporting group CARE, they were in the midst of giving a total of $13.8 million in . Catholic Relief Services is a manifestation of love for our brothers and sisters around the globe by the Catholic community of the United States. The lawsuit accuses Catholic Relief Services, an international humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Baltimore, of discriminating against a gay employee by denying health insurance coverage for the employee's husband. Executive Summary. Traditionally Republican-aligned groups like the National Federation of Independent Business, Americans for . It is an abomination before the eyes of the Lord. Those are the teachings. Catholic School Seminar 2021. Both statements cannot be true. } But this is just the beginning of the concern. Sometimes its, Why do you belong to certain associations? For example, the Cambodia Medical Association. Amid the attacks on abortion rights by a Republican-led U.S. House and state legislatures across the country in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Maine's Democratic leaders on Tuesday introduced a slate of legislation aimed at expanding reproductive rights and freedoms.. Catholic Relief Services. Our staff members also belong to coalitions that extend the reach of services to poor people who often live in remote areas where CRS does not operate. Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. One of the documents CRS did NOT reinstate was a USAID document titled, Addressing Children of Key Populations. A year after revealing that an employee of CRS was actively promoting Planned Parenthood on social media, and she was still gainfully employed there. A few weeks later, Horizons Femmes held another workshop on HIV and nutrition. The stated purpose of the workshop was to inform participants about the importance of balanced eating, about the need to avoid excessive alcohol, and about the impact that adherence to hours of medication can have, and included in this was a demonstration on condom application. Explaining the relationship between RENATA and KIDSS even further, Mendenhall states that KIDSS case managers facilitated linkage to treatment for all HIV-infected children (providing accompaniment as needed) as well as community-based care and support services. It also explained that Older adolescent girls are also referred to RENATA, identifying it as a national network of teenage mothers with extensive experience providing services to women and girls who have experienced violence and comprehensive SRH services., Another interesting thing to note is that in joint visits to children and their mothers by CHAMP and KIDSS workers, RENATAs Peer Educators (Tantines) provide GBV prevention and comprehensive SRH services; comprehensive post-GBV care is provided via one-stop shops.. We protect, defend and advance human life around the world by directly meeting basic needs and advocating solutions to injustice. In fact, the connection to CRS appears to be even more direct. Further analysis of the FOIA documents reveal that CRSs initial denials regarding the contraception-promoting Healthy Choices 2 program, as implemented through the SAIDIA project, were untrue. Join our movement and create meaningful change for those most in need. Among the first bills introduced in the state Senate this weekSenate Bill 3is a proposal to increase the state EITC to 30% of the federal credit, much like legislation that Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) and a coalition of groups have advocated for since last session. - JP2 Catholic Radio. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article about the fact that Catholic Relief Services is a dues-paying member and on the board of an organization called the CORE Group, a virulently pro-abortion organization operating under the protection and advisement of CRS.. Catholic Relief Services pays about $3,000 per year in membership dues, is represented on the board of directors, and co-chairs the . On MERENSOs page regarding its participation in the 2nd National Forum on PMTCT from 10-12 September 2019, it posted a picture of its display at the forum itself. On April 26, several Rwandan government agencies, including the Ministry of Healthofficially launched a three-year initiativecalled the Baho Neza Integrated Health Campaign to encourage the use and distribution of contraception. Are we giving a blanket No? If its not a blanket No, are there particular positions, such as positions that are ministerial in nature, positions which relate to the formation of the faith of young children at school? There can be absolutely no doubt that CRS has created a referral network in Cameroon that includes organizations intent upon corrupting the morals of young people by promoting and providing contraception and condoms. News. In short, the working referral relationship between CRSs project and RENATA is completely undeniable. We are the official overseas relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and a member of Caritas Internationalis. CRS purchased and implemented two comprehensive sexual education curricula that include the promotion of condoms and contraception. There are plenty of other secular organizations that would be more than happy to employ a same-sex married executive, but such does not belong in Catholic institutions. In relation to this, CRS-KIDSS partnered with CHAMP and created a referral system with an organization called RENATA, which promotes and dispenses contraception, and even takes girls to have abortions. And given the organizations CRS chose to include, this means that organizations as rotten as Planned Parenthood will be included in directing the project, which will ultimately have an impact on the society as a whole. on: function(evt, cb) { The amendments provide $3 million for new programs and services for pregnancy resource centers. RENATAs mission is thus the fight against early pregnancy, harmful traditional practices and gender-based violence through its main campaign popular in Cameroon Rape is a crime, Break the silence. } { News & Media. callback: cb In addition, they make any adoptive family eligible for a grant of $10,000 for adopting a child, $15,000 for adopting a . window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { For over 75 years, our mission has been to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of As part of the E2A project implemented in partnership with MSH and USAID, RENATA has contributed to the promotion and reinforcement of the quality of RH and FP services (at the community and FOSA level in 5 health districts). . The purpose of the partnership was to pilot an integrated approach to improve HIV outcomes and overall well-being among children of [female sex workers] FSWs. USAID explained that CHAMP would refer HIV positive children of female sex workers for enrollment in the KIDSS program. The Holy Father's Relief Fund through which the pope assists suffering people worldwide. Washington D.C., Jul 27, 2012 / 11:07 am. Parish Donations. . home in Denver constructed with diocesan funds for $6.5 million. Other Community Based Organizations included in the CRS-led KIDSS project include the contraception and condom promoting Horizons Femmes, SWAA Littoral, and MERENSO. the Supreme Court issued a stay for the pandemic-era restrictions on asylum-seekers . A survey of 191 public records regarding political campaign contributions from CRS employees reveals that 98% of the contributions were made to pro-abortion candidates. Catholic Relief Services is the lead on a USAID-funded project in Cameroon called KIDSS. Marriage Prep Programs. Millies said the USCCB tends to be most visible in its anti-abortion fight and other "culture wars," getting entangled in partisan divisions that can undermine its advocacy for other causes. At the beginning of the job announcement, RENATA provides some background information on the organization, giving greater details on the Sexual and Reproductive Health services that it provides. Catholic Relief Services' latest tax form 990 indicates that its expenses for 2016 and 2017 were $970 million and $979 million respectively, which means that its most recent dues fee was $54,000 . 3. But the clear intertwining of RENATA with KIDSS doesnt end there. Gay marriage, of course, is a very complex issue. Catholic Schools Week. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States.Founded in 1943 by the Bishops of the United States, the agency provides assistance to 130 million people in more than 110 countries and territories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.. A member of Caritas International, the worldwide network of . On page 13 of Addressing Children of Key Populations, USAID explained that in September of 2016, KIDSS (under the leadership of CRS) partnered with another program called Continuum of Prevention, Care and Treatment of HIV/AIDS with Most-At-Risk Populations (CHAMP). In that "icon" of the Holy Family we see simple virtues lived: faith, hope, self-sacrificing love, mercy, gentleness, humility, fidelity, peace, respect, service, docility to God's will. CRS did not fund contraception or abortion. The friendship . Worse still, as the challenges to CRS . Joining the USCCB's Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development in organizing the 2023 Gathering are numerous other USCCB departments and national Catholic organizations, including Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Health Association, and others. (function() { Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the Theres also the Church teaching on natural law. SUMMARY: The report that follows will prove that Catholic Relief Services created a health referral network which includes "sexual and reproductive health" as a component. Filed Under: Catholic Relief Services Tagged With: abortion, Cameroon, Catholic, Catholic Relief Services, condoms, contraception, CRS, depo provera, Horizons Femmes, iud, Key Interventions to Develop Systems and Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, KIDSS, Merenso, RENATA, SWAA Littoral, USCCB. Furthermore, Dr. Engagement Government - Case Studies Series, 228 W. Lexington St. Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3443, eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality, Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning, Anti-Trafficking in Persons Compliance Plan, CRS Policy on Whistleblower (Anti-Corruption), Aspire Program Frequently Asked Questions, Junior Professionals Program Frequently Asked Questions, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. })(); "For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. For those following the minor scandal within the Catholic Church regarding Catholic Relief Services and some of the highly questionable beneficiaries of their grants, the response from CRS has been less than confidence building even in the best light. The woman circled in the picture is holding a model of a vagina and is pulling a female condom out of it, as can be seen in the blown-up image on the right. The first is: Why do we work with other organizations which dont follow Catholic Church teaching?. . Catholic School Seminar. 1997-2023 In the 1950s, 75 per cent of Catholics went to Mass each Sunday . The Church is very clear that marriage as a sacrament is a between a man and a woman open to procreation. You may unsubscribe at any time. ); "Protecting Life", that informs staff of the Church's teaching on the sanctity of life, contraception and abortion and explains CRS . The Catholic school system which delivered generations of followers to the pews is a different beast today. Every aspect of our work is to help life flourish. Following the publication of our report, CRS denied all wrongdoing, but ignored the key evidence against them. In this report, were going to take a close look at one of CRSs own projects in Cameroon, and well prove to you that CRS was directly and willfully responsible for the creation of a health referral network that that involved sending teenaged girls to Planned Parenthood style clinics for sexual and reproductive health services. Catholic Relief Services is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; Donations to CRS are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable under the law. This isn't some breathtaking novelty in the spiritual life or some heroic summons to go and slay dragons, unless they be the dragons in our own souls . Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles resides in a new rectory that was built for $7 million. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( })(); "For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ. We are resolute in our commitment to the Church and its teaching. What this indicates is that KIDSS care managers arent just making referrals to RENATA, but are in point of fact, including RENATA for the inclusion of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services at in-home visits. The stated purpose of the workshop was to mobilize partners of sex workers and women living with HIV to talk about attitudes to HIV and GBV prevention. The discussion on HIV prevention included two demonstration sessions of male and female condom wearing were made respectively by a participant and a staff of the association.. Catholic Relief Services eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality . } These are our opportunities to make space in the public sphere for the Catholic viewpoint and to witness to our faith. The main activities carried out are as follows: Prevention of early pregnancy and promotion of Family Planning methods. A child does not come from outside as something added on to the mutual love of the spouses, but springs from the very heart of that mutual giving, as its fruit and fulfillment . Denver, Colo., Nov 22, 2022 / 16:30 pm. What must be remembered is that this referral network will last well beyond CRSs participation in the project. Catholic Relief Services is an annual $54,000 dues-paying member of an organization called InterAction, which lobbies the US government to expand access to both abortion and contraception. The first thing we found about MERENSO was a blog it ran which has no new entries since 2009. The Institute's . Pray, fast and give to go deeper with Christ and live in solidarity with the worlds poor. It is among the world's oldest and largest international institutions, and has played a prominent role in the history and development of Western civilization. ", Get the Behind-the-Scenes Coverage on the biggest news stories in the Catholic Church. There is no record of objection from CRS and there is no record of introducing NFP as an alternative by CRS, either. Physicians are urging changes to a bill touted by supporters as clarifying North Dakota's abortion laws in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the constitutional right to an . We are the official overseas relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and a member of Caritas Internationalis. Archbishop Samuel Aquila lives in a 13,500 sq.ft. CRSs role in this project was to create a self-sustaining financial mechanism that would provide funding to Community Health Volunteers, whose job (among other things) it was to teach women all about contraception and to sell them various pills and devices. Motherhood is common among female sex workers (FSWs) and with low contraceptive use and high burden of unintended pregnancy, they have poor reproductive outcomes and preventable mother-to-child HIV transmission risk., In short, KIDSS is bringing RENATA to female sex workers in order to promote and provide contraception for the purpose of preventing unintended pregnancy.. CRS then explained in its flyer what all that means. Or we seek special waivers so that we do not participate in those parts. at (405) 878-5456, or . In the first bolded comment, Dr. It also serves as further proof that MERENSO maintains the promotion of condom use as a means of educating people in sexual and reproductive health even now, as it did in 2009 with its annual report. All Rights Reserved. In fact, our Church partners use our membership to attend the sessions of the Cambodia Medical Association because we all need to know the parts that relate to us. Well, when CRS deletes a document, we have to ask if there is something in the document CRS doesnt want us to see. In these investigations, CRS has been found to be intimately involved, either directly or indirectly, in the promotion of abortion and contraception. So were in that area when there have been various steps forward, but not a clear path. Your email address will not be published. Many dioceses will take up the collection in their parishes on the weekend of March 26-27. The answer is that apparently CRS and its leadership prefer alliances with . In section II.4, MERENSO indicated that it participated in a project focusing on good sexual health, and the promotion of male and female condoms., In section II.4.1, MERENSO indicated that among the fourteen topics it counseled on were sexual life, abortion, sexual and reproductive rights, contraceptive methods, and correct condom use.. CSS 2022. CRS and the Mikolo Project. Woo mentioned the Cambodia Medical Association, however consistent concerns have been with CRSs dues-paying membership with MEDiCAM. As you can see at the bottom of the chart are the letters SRH, which means sexual and reproductive health. For over 75 years, our mission has been to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of Catholic social teaching to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), established in 1943, is the international humanitarian agency of the bishops of the United States. Woo categorically states that if CRS does not collaborate with other agencies, CRS is leaving people without any hospitals, clinics or access to medicine. What this data reveals is that the culture of Catholic Relief Services is not one that is friendly to pre-born babies or the Catholic faith it claims . Take a look at just how far your heart can reach. Of more than $8 million distributed from the collection in 2020, about three quarters supported . The demand is increasing and annually about 9000 female condoms are distributed., MERENSO is another partner in the KIDSS project that is involved in the promotion of abortion, contraception and condoms. In our month-long, on-the-ground investigation of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) activities in Madagascar, Population Research Institute (PRI) found that the organization was directly involved in the promotion and distribution of contraceptive and abortifacient drugs and devices in contravention of Church teaching. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function() { Within the United States, CRS engages Catholics to live their faith in solidarity with the poor and suffering people of the world. In an expos last week, the Lepanto . Woo in November of 2012) is that CRS has indeed been involved in the development of MEDiCAMs policy papers, which included plans for the expansion of access to abortion providers, the training of abortion providers, and the distribution of all forms of birth control, especially abortifacients. Here is some of the information provided directly to Dr. Fortunately, the internet never forgets and we found a cached version of this document somewhere else [the cache is now gone as well. USAID then explained the services that would be provided by KIDSS, including the referral of adolescent females to an organization called RENATA. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away at age 95 on Dec. 31, Federal spending bill increases global health assistance for families without safety net, Act reauthorizes Feed the Future initiative, addresses root causes of hunger in vulnerable, CRS warns of worsening food insecurity in Somalia. Membership in professional associations enables our staff to obtain information and technological advances that best prepare us to serve those in our careand we do so in full accordance with Catholic teachings. Well, on the back side of this flyer, CRS created a chart giving an overview of the services provided. Denver, Colo., Jan 17, 2023 / 16:23 pm. One of the purposes of the project was to create a health referral network, specifically including sexual and reproductive health as a component. event : evt, In January of 2018, Horizon Femmes held a workshop as part of what it calls the Trusted Partners project as part of its efforts to combat gender based violence and HIV/AIDS. We are committed to a set of Guiding Principles and hold ourselves accountable to each other for them. What Dr. CSS 2022 Sources and Inspiration. Register Online-Engaged Encounter. Catholic Relief Services' latest tax form 990 indicates that its expenses for 2016 and 2017 were $970 million and $979 million respectively, which means that its most recent dues fee was $54,000 each of those years. Contact - Catholic Relief Services. The defense of the international relief agency came in a strongly worded statement released on the first day of the annual fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' administrative . We promote access to high quality education, especially for marginalized kids. In Cameroon and Nigeria, we found that CRS created health referral networks that included organizations that were actively advocating for abortion in their respective countries. On the other side, you can see contraceptive pills, implantable contraception, the diaphragm, cervical caps, vaginal rings, IUDs, and the contraceptive patch. The second and third bolded statements in Dr. Woos response are self-contradictory. As a Catholic agency that provides assistance to people in need in over 100 countries without regard to race, religion or nationality, we also participate in humanitarian initiatives undertaken by a range of groups, including governments, other faith communities and secular institutions. In addition, adolescent girls are referred to a CHAMP sub-partner, RENATA, which is a national network of teenage mothers with extensive experience providing services to women and girls who have experienced violence.. CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISH has earned a 90% for the Culture & Community beacon. Catholic Education in the 21st Century. These coalitions give CRS a platform to present effective methods and procedures that demonstrate the efficacy of Catholic approaches to health and family planning. In fact, four out of the overall five Community Based Organizations (or CBOs) working with CRS on the KIDSS project are involved in the promotion and/or the distribution of contraception and condoms. Click like to support Catholics Restoring the Culture! This job announcement said: An international humanitarian based in Yaound is seeking a highly qualified Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (AYSRH) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Specialist to support the implementation of AYSRH and GBV prevention and response Programming targeting adolescents and youth. Bring lasting change to children and their families. Add my name and email address to the LSN mailing list. Another project MERENSO is participating in currently is titled, Scaling up HIV prevention to help reduce mortality and morbidity by 2020. The project is funded by The Global Fund for the year 2019-2020. Woo makes in response to concerned Catholics gives the appearance that CRS is going to retain the employment of a same-sex married vice president: Number three,CRS has a senior person who is in a civil gay marriage, and the question is, Is that a violation of Church teaching?I just want to say we are working through this. In fact, one of the organizations itself is active in trying to change the countrys pro-life laws so that abortion can be legalized. CRS is motivated by the example of Jesus Christ to ease suffering, provide development assistance, and foster charity and justice. Marriage Prep Programs. There are grants where it may require the distribution of contraceptives. } The last point Dr. JACK DURA. The Catholic bishops of Scotland have warned that a proposal to ban what critics characterize as gay or transgender "conversion therapy" would have . By Gianna Bonello Central Minnesota Catholic With the start of the 2023 Minnesota legislative session Jan. 3, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Minnesota, is putting families at the top of its advocacy strategy for the year. Unlike the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, which was founded to fund left-wing political organizations and has never deviated from that path, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has a long (since 1943) and honorable history of humanitarian service, providing food, clothing and medicines around the world, wherever the need was great.

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